Discover your travel vibe. 

Our platform offers curated recommendations that match with your current mood and preferences, not just your GPS coordinates.

How much time do you waste trying to find the perfect place or thing to do?

Standing on a street corner or sitting on the couch, endlessly scrolling through generic lists of restaurants, bars, and things to do.

But nothing seems to match the vibe you’re feeling.

Leave the searching to us.

Discover experiences that perfectly match to you.

No more generic suggestions, only curated recommendations.

Your AI Powered Local Friend


Your AI Powered Local Friend 〰️

Effortless Discovery

Whether it's finding a hotel, restaurant, or off-the-beaten-path adventure, Govy connects you to experiences that resonate with your current state and desires.

Curated Just For You

Get tailored lists filled with photos, reviews, and directions. Say goodbye to generic suggestions and hello to recommendations that resonate with your mood.

Smart Recommendations

Save what you love, and Govy learns from you. The more you interact, the smarter and more aligned your recommendations become.

How does it work?

Name the Activity + Your Mood

Talk to Govy just like you would a local friend. Share what you want to do and the vibe you're feeling.

Get matched

Govy sifts through millions of data points like reviews, social media feeds, online articles, and blogs, honing in on keywords that resonate with your unique vibe.

Explore and Enjoy

We pair recommendations with content, helpful information, and location.

It's like having a local friend who knows you, the places to see and the things to do really well.

Alex R., Marketing Consultant

“Transforms my travels. Govy doesn't just point me to a list of nearby places; it understands my mood and directs me to experiences that match it.”

Sophie D., Travel Blogger

“A Game Changer! I never realized how much my mood influenced my preferences until I used Govy. I got recommendations that were spot-on and absolutely matched my vibe.”

Laura M., Software Developer